Swedish Specialist Hospital
مركز الجراحه التجميليه في اربيل
Swedish Specialist Hospital
Price List
It should be noted that many factors are taken into consideration & may affect the final price such as age, skin type, the presence or any other health conditions that may add to the risks or surgery. Each of our quotations, procedures & the type of surgery performed is personalised to each individual requirements, expectations & health condition therefore the same surgery .Our fees are affordable by most patients, however we do recommend not go into debt for your cosmetic procedure. Keep in mind that most cosmetic procedures are a desire and not a need. It may not be smart to shop around for the cheapest place. In the long run cheapest could be very costly; after all what is at stake is the most precious thing you have, it is your face and your body.
You may take advantage of our offers that are displayed in the home page for non surgical procedures.
Why should you choose us ?
Since we are a full service plastic surgery center, we can individualize each procedure to be the right one for each patient. We have a very comprehensive approach to how we treat each one of our patients. No one procedure is right for every person. Each person’s body and situation is different, so we look at every option, what the patient’s goals and desires are, and choose the right direction for our patients’ needs.
At the first consultation, we spend a great deal of time with the patient, discussing their concerns and desires in detail. This is essential to understanding the patient’s goals, as well as explaining the details of the procedure and the post-operative course. It is important for the patient to have ample opportunity to ask as many questions as possible and voice any fears or worries they may have.
A second consultation is usually scheduled before the surgery date, as this ensures that the patient has time to process information, ask more questions, and further discuss details or concerns. We believe it is important for the patient to know exactly what will be happening before, during, and after surgery, so that they will feel safe and have a sound understanding of the entire process.
We offer continuity of care for our patients, as our patients see the same doctor and nurse before, during and after their surgical procedure. , the nurses and staff build a connection with each and every patient. Seeing familiar faces and having time to build relationships with the staff is important. People come through our doors with many different emotions – they’re scared, nervous, excited, worried – and we do everything we can to provide a safe and caring environment for them.
While we operate and care for patients on a daily basis, we recognize that this is likely their first time going through this experience. Our surgeons are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for patients in their care
What is included in the price
Hospital & Surgery costs related to surgery.
Pre-operative tests.
All surgeons and anaesthetists fees
Surgical Corset & breast prosthesis.
All medication during hospital stay and the departure from hospital
Consultation & all post surgery check ups.
Personalised pre & post surgery information.
Qulified staff who will look after the patient during the patient’s stay.
1-2 niht hosital stay.
If your coming for abroad or from another city then we will meet you and greet you at the airport ,arrange for the hotel and care to take you back and forth to the hospital .
The minimum price for the differnt surgical procedures
Face |
الوجه |
Upper eyelids |
عمليه رفع الجفون العليا |
$1,400.00 |
Lower eyelids |
الجفون السفلى |
$1,500.00 |
Both upper and lower |
العليا والسفلى |
$2,700.00 |
Forhead lift |
رفع الجين |
$2,000.00 |
Upper blepharoplasty + brow lift |
رفع الحاجب والشد الحواج العليا |
$2,000.00 |
$2,500.00 |
MACS’ Mini facelift |
ماكس رفع الوجه |
$3,500.00 |
Full Face-lift |
رفع الوجه كامل |
$3,800.00 |
Face-lift+ upper eyelid surgery |
رفع الوجه+شد الجفون العليا |
$4,000.00 |
Face and neck lift |
رفع الوجه وشد الرقبه |
$4,500.00 |
Face- neck lift+ upper eyelid |
رفع الوجه+رفع الرقبه+ الجفون العليا |
$5,000.00 |
Mid Face lift subperiosteal |
رفع وسط الوجه |
$3,000.00 |
Rhinoplasty |
تجميل الانف |
2500-3500 |
Septoplasty |
تعديل اجر الانف |
$2,000.00 |
Ear Pinning (Otoplasty ) |
عمليه الاذن البارزه |
$1,500.00 |
Chin augmentation |
زرع الذقن |
$2,500.00 |
Complicated septorhinoplasty |
تعديل الانف والحلجز الوسط |
$3,500.00 |
تقويم الاذن |
$5,000.00 |
Hair transplant 2 uds per follicule FUE |
زرع الشعر |
$2.00 |
3000-5000uds |
عمليات الصدر |
Breast augmentation |
تكير الصدر |
$3,500.00 |
Breast Reduction |
تصغير الصدر |
$4,000.00 |
Breast Asymetry correction or lift |
تعديل الاختلالف في الحجم |
$3,000.00 |
Breast reconstruction Implant |
بناء الصدر بالسلكون |
$3000-5000.00 |
Breast Reconstruction with DIEP |
بنائ الصدر من البطن |
$18,000.00 |
Correction of nipple deformity |
تعديل الحلمه |
$1,000.00 |
Reconstruction of nipple + areolar tatoo |
بناء الحلمه |
$1,500.00 |
Fat tissue Augmentation |
نقل الدهون لتكير الثدي |
$4,500.00 |
Breast lift (mastopexy) |
رفع الصدر |
$2,500.00 |
الجسم |
Abdominoplasty mini |
همليه شد طن صغرى |
$3,000.00 |
Full abdominoplasty wit transp of umbl |
شد بطن كبرى |
$4,000.00 |
Full Belt Lipectomy or body Lift |
شد الجسم كبرى |
$6,000.00 |
Abdominoplasty + Liposuction |
شد بطن + شفط الدهون |
$4,500.00 |
Liposcution of a restricted area eg Neck |
شفط دهون منطقه محدده منل العنق |
$2,000.00 |
Liposcution of abdomine (the belly) |
شفط دهون البطن او الكرش |
$3,000.00 |
Liposuction of abdomine and flanks |
شفط دهون البطن والخصر |
$4,000.00 |
Liposuction of thighs outer |
شفط دهون الافخاد الجه الخارجيه |
$4,000.00 |
Liposuction of inner thighs |
$3,500.00 |
Bracheoplasty or armlift |
تنحيف الذراع او الساق |
$3,000.00 |
Fat injection restricted area eg Lips |
نقل الدهون |
$1,500.00 |
Larger areas of fat transfer |
نقل الدهون لمناطق كبيره |
$2,000.00 |
Hyperhydrosis of the axila |
effect last upto 6 months |
علاج التعرق المفرط بالبوتوكس (الابط) |
$950.00 |
hyperhydrosis of the palm |
التعرق المفرط من الكف |
Injection of Fillers for lips ,cheeks or other |
هحقن الفيلر لتبير الشفاه او الخدود او غيرها |
$500.00 |